MEDAC - Mediterranean Advisory CouncilMEDAC - Mediterranean Advisory Council

MEDAC - Mediterranean Advisory Council

I nostri Progetti



Fisheries in the AdriatIc Region – a Shared Ecosystem Approach

The central focus of the the FAIRSEA project is the fisheries sector, an important economic activity in the Adriatic Sea also for its strong cultural, social and economic role in regional coastal communities. The general objective of the Project is to enhance the conditions for implementing innovative approaches for the sustainable management of the Adriatic Sea fisheries. This is achieved also thanks to the exchange of knowledge and the sharing of good practices among partners and beyond.

The main result of the Project will be the development of an integrated platform for a quantitative ecosystem approach to fisheries that goes across territorial boundaries and across several disciplines. The platform will integrate biological/ecological processes (i.e. considering water mass circulation, physical-chemical properties, plankton productivity, dynamics of resources including their interactions) and fisheries bio-economic dynamics (including fisheries displacement). This high technological and innovative platform will be used as a planning tool to implement demonstrative testing of applicable fisheries policies both at local (subareas) and whole Adriatic scales. It will provide scientific basis for formulating and evaluating the shared management advice in the local and international participatory processes, involving management authorities, experts and stakeholders. The Project will also provide an answer to the need of reference points, best practices and guidelines for the optimisation between ecological and socio-economical sustainability of fisheries in the Adriatic Sea.

MEDAC will benefit from the scientific knowledge produced by FAIRSEA in terms of data analysis and ecosystem modelling, contributing with the practical knowledge coming from the professional fishery sector. MEDAC will bring to the project its experiences in participatory processes and stakeholder involvement. Moreover MEDAC will facilitate link of the project with NGOs, organizations, fisheries association and other stakeholders that are part of MEDAC and it will organize the stakeholder meetings.

FAIRSEA is financed by Interreg V-A IT-HR CBC Programme (Priority Axis 1 – Blue innovation).

The Project is lead by OGS and involves 11 partners from Italy and Croatia.

Project budget: € 2.060.000 (ERDF+national co-financing)

Programme co-financing: € 1.751.000 (ERDF)

Start date: 01 January 2019

End date: 28 February 2021 

Official Facebook page of FAIRSEA project:

For more information on the  two stakeholders meeting, please download all the available documentation:

FAIRSEA First stakeholder meeting 21 february 2019

FAIRSEA Second stakeholder meeting 23-24 February 2021




Altri Progetti



MEDAC - Roma

c/o MASAF - Ministero dell'agricoltura, della sovranità alimentare e delle foreste

Via XX Settembre, 20
00187 Roma - RM

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